Elemen-Elemen Ketahanan Komuniti dan Perspektif Komuniti dalam Persediaan Menghadapi Bencana
Elements of Community Resilience and Community Perspectives in Disaster Preparedness
Bencana; Ketahanan komuniti; Elemen-elemen ketahanan komuniti; Perspektif komuniti disaster, community resilience, elements of community resilience and community perspectivesAbstract
Bencana seringkali berlaku tanpa sebarang amaran. Mangsa utama yang terdedah kepada bahaya bencana yang berlaku adalah komuniti di kawasan terbabit. Kertas konseptual ini akan membentangkan elemen-elemen ketahanan komuniti iaitu hubungan, kerjasama, pendidikan dan kepimpinan yang berperanan menyumbang kepada perspektif komuniti di kawasan kajian. Model
ketahanan komuniti diperkukuhkan dengan teori-teori seperti teori ketahanan, teori kawalan sosial dan teori perubahan komuniti yang memberi gambaran bahawa komuniti berperanan penting dalam persediaan menghadapi sebarang bencana yang berlaku di kawasan terlibat. Hasil dari kajian lepas menunjukkan bahawa elemen-elemen ketahanan komuniti iaitu hubungan, kerjasama, pendidikan dan kepimpinan mempunyai hubungan dengan perspektif komuniti. Selanjutnya, kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan secara terperinci elemenelemen ketahanan komuniti serta teori-teori yang berkaitan.
Disaster always occurs without any warning. The communities are the main victim that exposed to hazards in disaster areas. This conceptual paper will present the elements of community resilence such as communication, cooperation, education and leadership that contribute to community perspectives in the study area. This community resilience models will be strengthen with respective theories such as resilence theory, social control theory and community improvement theory in which present the important
roles for disaster preparedness in facing any disaster consequences in the area involved. The results show there are relationships between the elements of community resilience such as communication, cooperation, education and leadership with community perspectives. In addition, the elements of disaster resilience with the related theories were also discussed in this paper