Minda Pemimpin Komunis Melayu: Rashid Maidin dan Abdullah C.D.

The Minds of Malay Communist Leaders: Rashid Maidin and Abdullah C.D.


  • Kamaruddin M. Said


Melayu; Komunis; Nasionalisme; Rashid Maidin; Abdullah C.D.


Rashid Maidin dan Abdullah C.D. ialah dua orang pemimpin de facto Rejimen ke10, Tentera Pembebasan Rakyat Malaya di bawah Parti Komunis Malaya. Minda mereka secara bergandingan, iaitu gabungan pemikiran, kesedaran dan cita-cita peribadi mereka, dengan input ideologi Marxisme-Leninisme-Maoisme telah menjadi acuan kepimpinan dan tindakan mereka menerusi kegiatan bersenjata PKM selama empat dekad. Pemikiran, kesedaran dan impian politik mereka ini terungkap dalam memoir mereka. Bergantung kepada perubahan dalam persekitaran politik di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan politik dunia selama empat dekad itu, minda mereka boleh dianggap dipengaruhi oleh pilihan rasional ataupun dogmatisme ideologi. Pada mulanya, minda mereka dipandu oleh pilihan rasional kerana keterlibatan mereka dalam PKM adalah dalam era gerakan nasionalisme menentang kolonialisme Inggeris sedang bersemarak di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Namun begitu, setelah Persekutuan Tanah Melayu mencapai kemerdekaannya pada 1957, dan gerakan PKM mengalami kemerosotannya, mereka berdua sebagai pemimpin penting PKM telah berusaha mempergiatkan kembali gerakan perjuangan bersenjata menerusi Rejimen ke-10 tersebut. Hal ini terjadi kerana minda nasionalis mereka telah pun terperangkap dalam dogmatisme Marxisme-Leninisme-Maoisme. Dogmatisme ideologi menjadi landasan kepada pilihan rasional mereka untuk meneruskan gerakan revolusionir bersenjata. Makalah ini bertujuan menyelami minda politik Rashid Maidin dan Abdullah C.D. menerusi analisis kandungan terhadap memoir mereka. Isi minda Rashid Maidin dan Abdullah C.D. ditafsirkan berpandukan teori ‘pilihan rasional’ yang pernah diguna pakai oleh Theda Skocpol apabila menganalisis secara sosiologikal tentang revolusi sosial di Perancis, Russia dan China.

Rashid Maidin and Abdullah C.D. were the de facto leaders of the 10th. Regiment, People Liberation’s Army of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP). Their minds, namely combination of their thought, consciousness and ambitionsrooted in the political ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, had shaped their leadership and actions through the armstruggles of the MCP for four decades. Rashid Maidin’s and Abdullah C.D.’s political thoughts, consciousness and ambitions are explicitly expressed in their respective memoirs. Subjected to the changes of political scenarios at the national and international levels over the decades, Rashid Maidin’s and Abdullah C.D.’s minds could be perceived to be a combination that initially was a rational choice, given that their involvement with the MCP coincided with the growth of political nationalism against the British colonialism within the Federation of
Malaya. However, when the Federation of Malaya achieved her independence in 1957, and thepolitical influence of the MCP  deteriorated, Rashid Maidin and Abdullah C.D. strived to reactivate the PKM’s arm struggle. This was mainly due to their dogmatic belief in the political ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism which was their new rational choice, then. This article aims at analyzing Rashid Maidin’s and Abdullah C.D.’s political minds, based on the content analysis of their own memoirs, within the framework of ‘rational choice’ as previously demonstrated by Theda Skocpol in her interpretation of the French, Russian and Chinese social revolutions.


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How to Cite

Kamaruddin M. Said. (2014). Minda Pemimpin Komunis Melayu: Rashid Maidin dan Abdullah C.D.: The Minds of Malay Communist Leaders: Rashid Maidin and Abdullah C.D. Zulfaqar Journal of Defence Management, Social Science & Humanities, 1(1). Retrieved from https://zulfaqarjdmssh.upnm.edu.my/index.php/zjdmssh/article/view/6


